Primas, Primos, and Piñatas

We didn’t know then that these were times in our lives when we were fully alive.

Panama’s birthday yesterday had me thinking of the birthday parties of my childhood in Panama when primas, primos, tías, and tíos were the cast of characters in my life. So I spent the afternoon searching for that one gorgeous photo of my little brother’s birthday party in the carport of tía Connie’s house. Here it is! Come play with me.

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Launch for At the Narrow Waist of the World

Emocionada and K’velling.

I’ve been waiting to share with you pictures from the book launch for At the Narrow Waist of the World two Sundays ago—and to thank those of you who could be there at the flagship Barnes & Noble store in Eastchester, NY.  What a thrill for me to see so many loved faces! Did you notice my guardian angels that afternoon?

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Soy/Somos: Ana: My Hero

Truly there are so may women heroes. They've been dealt a tough hand but strike out for survival. I've come across women like this among Hispanic immigrants who take on the jobs of maid, office cleaner, child care, nursing aide, and other. These women have crossed great distances to get here, often under terribly dangerous circumstances. 

They leave what they know and somehow make it in a strange new home. I celebrate Ana in this short post. Take a look. Have you met any heroes like her? 

Wishing you my friends on this journey a year of good health and adventures that fill your hearts.

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