Launch for At the Narrow Waist of the World

Emocionada and K’velling.

I’ve been waiting to share with you pictures from the book launch for At the Narrow Waist of the World —and to thank those of you who could be there at the flagship Barnes & Noble store in Eastchester, NY.  It was thrilling for me to see so many loved faces! Did you notice my guardian angels that afternoon? They took photos, signed in guests, and looked straight into my eyes during this emotional afternoon. They are the writing community that I hold tight to my heart, including my mentors at the Sarah Lawrence Writing Institute, Pat Dunn and Jimin Han.

A gargantuan squeeze goes to beloved Kathy Curto, talented artist teacher, who shared the stage with me, pried open the memoir by asking me magnificent questions. She has her own beautiful memoir, Not for Nothing: Glimpses into a Jersey Girlhood.

Gracias to those new here and to those who’ve read the book and left messages, like this one from a very funny friend and retired cop who says he’s half-way through—and he reads at most two books a year. A cousin from my sprawling family wrote, “I remember so well your father’s death and burial in the Jardin de Paz. I was 10 and it was a life shaping experience for me. I knew from then that “your papi was really your mami.”

Here’s a gentle ask, that authors more and more find they must ask, so that word about their books can spread beyond the concentric circles closest to them:

I welcome connections with English teachers who might be interested in using At the Narrow Waist of the World in high school, a family story written in a young girl’s voice that takes place in another culture, a Hispanic world at that.  Also book clubs are a great way for readers and writers to connect. I welcome radio and podcast opportunities and conversations with Jewish and Hispanic groups. 

A simple and honest review is still one of the most useful things a reader can do for an author. After a certain number of reviews, especially on Amazon, your book is made familiar to other readers (no need to have bought the book on Amazon).  For those with a local brick and mortar bookstore, you are lucky. Keep them alive by ordering the book from them. Or ask your librarian!

Enjoy the photos! 

Move around on the website and check out new writings, reviews and interviews. Thank you for all the love!