Dear friends,
When I got my flu shot a few days ago, the pharmacist used a child sized needle, said my arms were small (but I have muscle…!) The shot for seniors, she explained, gives an extra boost to activate the immune system with a little more push.
And here’s where I am today. At the Narrow Waist of the World is one year old, and it needs “a little more push” to help it find brand new readers.
In the second half of the book’s life—during these distressing Covid19 months—several of my book events were put on hold, rightly so. And now in October, there is a rush of excitement. Things that were going to happen “live” will now arrive in your living room thanks to Zoom technology.
First up is Riverdale Synagogue in New York City, thanks to prima Nancy L. (gracias mi amor). My memoir is their fall book-club selection. I’m also introducing the memoir to the Bet Am Shalom community, a Reconstructionist synagogue in New York. These events are private and will happen next week.
At the end of the month, on October 20, 7 p.m., I’ll be “in conversation” with two other writers, sponsored by the Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College, “Uncovering the Stories You’re Meant to Write.” On Saturday, Oct. 24, It’ll be a full-day “Meet the Authors” event with the Harrison Public Library; my time slot, 2:45-3:30 pm. I’ll be speaking alongside another memoirist with an exquisite book set in Italy.
All this is exciting, and I have work ahead. It would be fun to have your company, if you are intrigued.. Notice that you must register for the events prior to. Links above in orange.
Other Good News:
To celebrate the one-year birthday of its fall 2019 list, my publisher, She Writes Press, sponsors an amazing sale. You can get my eBook for just 99 cents from Oct 16-26!
You can order the eBook on Amazon and other sites, but if you sign up for the @newinbooks newsletter, you’ll be reminded of the sale and also learn about another 60 books that will also be available to fill up your e-reader for the winter.
Although things sound active and fun, At the Narrow Waist of the World does need wind on its sails to move into fall and winter.
Here are ways you can help, if it feels right to you.
“Enchanting. A heartfelt saga that pulses with life and holds a culture that needs to be known up to the light. A rare, must-read story.” Deborah Burns, author of Saturday’s Child.
Suggest the book to your book group. For people who are comfortable reading books on their devices, there’s an opportunity (Oct 16-26) to get the book almost free. I can join your group discussion via Zoom.
I welcome interview and podcast opportunities.
I welcome conversations with Jewish and Hispanic groups.
Have you read At the Narrow Waist of the World? A rating and short review on Amazon is still one of the most useful things a reader can do.
The texture of life these days:
D and I will vote in person—early. Hopefully our votes will be counted earlier than mail-in votes. I find that I must pinch my nose tightly against the stink and rot we are living with. There are also many decent people trying to do the right thing. We are lucky to have time outside with mother nature and weekend afternoons spent with friends on the patio while it’s still somewhat warm. Friends live feels like such a privilege.
D and I are especially tender and thoughtful with one another. I guess we realize that we are one another’s root. There’s no getting out of that. I wish I could tape all the funny things he says. He keeps me laughing.
And for that and for family and friends like you and so much more, I am grateful